Joe Onisick at Define the Cloud posted a thought provoking article titled, “The Power of Innovative Datacenter Stacks” where he shares his views regarding the value and abilities delivered with ‘single-vendor’ and ‘multi-vendor’ integrated solution stacks such as FlexPod.
This post touches on a number of topics including the ability of a solution stack to deliver value, packaging best of breed technologies, and collaborative multi-vendor support models. As an architect for a leading systems integrator, Joe is as knowledgeable as one can be with leading data center technologies. You can be sure, Joe understands where ‘the rubber meets the road‘ as he is responsible for delivering the capabilities available from today’s pre-packaged cloud architectures.
I’ve avoided mining Joe’s post for quotes. At just over 500 words, it’s straightforward and candid and I encourage you to read.
If you enjoy Joe’s thoughts and would like to hear more, than I’d invite you to join Joe as he shares more of his thoughts and experiences live on the Innovative Versus Integration Cloud Infrastructure Stacks Webcast. This event is scheduled for May 26th and begins at 1:00 PM ET / 10:00 AM PT.