Vaughn Stewart

Vaughn is a VP of Systems Engineering at VAST Data. He helps organizations capitalize on what’s possible from VAST’s Universal Storage in a multitude of environments including A.I. & deep learning, data analytics, animation & VFX, media & broadcast, health & life sciences, data protection, etc. He spent 23 years in various leadership roles at Pure Storage and NetApp, and has been awarded a U.S. patent. Vaughn strives to simplify the technically complex and advocates thinking outside the box. You can find his perspective online at and in print; he’s coauthored multiple books including “Virtualization Changes Everything: Storage Strategies for VMware vSphere & Cloud Computing“.



Melbourne VMUG UserCon 2015: vSphere Storage Best Practices

Recently I had th fortune to join my good friend Chad Sakac in co-presenting a keynote session at the Sydney and Melbourne UserCons. We delivered a condensed version of the VMworld 2014 session, 'vSphere...

Hyper-Converged Infrastructures are not Storage Arrays

From the title of this post you may be surprised to find that I’m a huge fan of hyper-converged infrastructures (HCI). Frankly, they fill a market need that for years customers have either been...

GHOST Critical Vulnerability in Pure Storage Systems

CVE-2015-0235 or GHOST is a critical vulnerability in the LINUX glibc library. Its a buffer overflow bug affecting the gethostbyname() and gethostbyname2() function calls. This vulnerability allows a remote attacker that is able to make an application call to either...

Pure Storage at VMware PEX: Join us for Flash and One-on-One briefings

VMware Partner Exchange is right around the corner and I’m excited as Pure Storage has a lot in store. PEX is VMware’s annual conference for channel and technology partners. The conference is comprised of...

FlashStack CI: Why all-flash advances the converged infrastructure market

Last week Pure Storage launched FlashStack CI – our Converged Infrastructure with Cisco and VMware. Based on the volume of coverage from the press and analysts  it appears we hit the mark. With a market currently estimated in excess...

The 4 major trends in enterprise storage in 2014

Has there ever been a more exciting time to be in IT? Seriously, the industry seems to have turned up the volume on innovation up to 11 and there’s no stopping in sight. If...

Storage Field Day 6 visits Pure Storage

Last week Stephen Foskett and a host of delegates visited the Bay Area for Storage Field Day 6. The crew stopped by Pure Storage to catch up on our vision and direction, whiteboard on...

Pure Storage joins the OpenStack Foundation and releases new integrations

Today Pure Storage announced joining the OpenStack® Foundation as a corporate sponsor and contributor and the immediate availability of an updated Cinder Driver and a Python Automation Toolkit. The time feels right for Pure to increase...

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